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Ray Dalton schreibt die besten Songs, wenn es regnet

Ray Dalton kommt aus Seattle, war schon mehrfach für den Grammy nominiert und war im Oktober 2024 zu Gast bei Klaas Scholtalbers. Im Interview wird einiges geklärt: Wieso hat es so lange gedauert bis er endlich sein erstes Album rausgebracht hat? Warum mixt er euch vielleicht bald Cocktails? Und warum ist er so ein großer Fan von Roland Kaiser? Alle Antworten gibt’s hier:

Ray Dalton geht in Lederhose aufs Oktoberfest
Ray Dalton hat sich früher auf Konzerte geschlichen
Ray Dalton ist beeindruckt von Roland Kaiser
Ray Dalton mixt manchmal Cocktails in Seattle
Ray Dalton schreibt die besten Songs, wenn es regnet
Das ganze Interview mit Ray Dalton

Das ganze Interview zum Nachlesen:

Ray Dalton: I love party culture in different countries and everything. I actually got two tickets to Oktoberfest for the first time this year. So I'm going to go this weekend and get a Jodlhosen and get a nice outfit so I'm looking good, you know? I've never experienced this. So when in Rome, I don't even drink beer, but I'm going to drink beer because, like, why not? I want to be able to say, yeah, I had a German beer at Oktoberfest, so I'm really excited.

Klaas: Okay. So we see you at Oktoberfest. But do you know, it's like, a big beer is like 18 euros or something like that. 18 euros?

Ray Dalton: Yes. Jeez. Oh, but it's that big?

Klaas: Yeah, it's very big, but it's also expensive.

Ray Dalton: You know, we were saying the same thing. It was like, there was this big sports event and these guys got these 40s and it was like total 40 bucks or 60 bucks. And it's like, American beer is the worst. I don't drink it. But I can only imagine you have to have like 50 of them to, like, feel a little loosey-goosey. And that's getting expensive. Yeah. It's crazy.

Klaas: I mean, German beer, you only need two of that to get really drunk.

Ray Dalton: Yeah. Uh-oh.

Ray Dalton: We used to sneak in them because we couldn't afford them. They were so expensive back in the day, which I think they still are. Um, but yeah, we would sneak into these concerts and...

Klaas: But how do you sneak in?

Ray Dalton: We just run through the, well, in Seattle, it's not as like crazy as it is now. Um, especially in high school, you know, people would stand in the line and you'd show your ticket and it was like usually a paper ticket and my friend's like, we're just going to run through it. And I'm like, no, I'm afraid I'm scared. When we get in trouble, he's like, you want to see the artist? You want to see the show? I'm like, then we're going to run through it. I'm like, oh, okay. So then we'd go and we would just book it. And there's so many people they're like, Hey, and then, and yeah, we're gone. And then we were gone. All right. I feel bad about that.

Klaas: Don't do that on Ray Dalton's show. Because they have to buy tickets.

Ray Dalton: Well, yeah. And it's harder to do that now. Like I was thinking about, could I sneak into this festival if I tried? No, there's so much security now and trying to keep everyone safe. So you can't really do that even if you tried now. So it's, it's tough.

Ray Dalton: I'm not a big fan of slugger music. I just think I heard the story of Roland Kaiser and how he had Something with his lung happened to him And um, I heard him sing live and I was so impressed with after uh such uh for a singer that is like you need your lungs to sing and a lot of people don't recover from that. And the way he was able to sing when I heard him sing live, I was I immediately became a fan because I just thought oh my gosh, like most people I know have just given up that have had any type of Vocal damage because it really it messes with the brain. It messes with your heart. It's really tough to come back from a really bad injury like that and I just was like Love that song The night anyways, I just thought it was so cool you mean this one here. Yeah, so I don't listen to a lot of Schlager music but I think he his story is incredible Yeah, that's true. And he got a great voice right now incredible voice.

Ray Dalton: You know, I go to my friend's bar, and no one knows this, and hopefully they're not listening to him, but he lets me be a bartender for, like, two hours. And it's in this place called Pioneer Square, and he just lets me, because I just, I like to make cocktails, and I'm trying to learn some new cocktails, and so he lets me go behind the bar, and I'm just like, hey, what's up? It's a pretty easy bar. And it's like, we're not making these bougie drinks, it's like rum and coke, or like a dirty martini, just the simple stuff. And I just love it. It's just, people are like, oh, are you new? I'm like, yeah, just started.

Klaas: Oh, right. Nobody recognized you behind the bar.

Ray Dalton: Some people do. They're like, what are you doing behind here, Ray? I'm like, I'm just helping out my friends.

Klaas: Oh, nice. So not everybody has to drink tequila shots.

Ray Dalton: No, you know, probably at my house they do, but actually, I'm like, I can make any type of drink, so, yeah.

Klaas: So if you want to see Ray Dalton behind the counter, you have to go to the Seattle Pioneer Square. Nice. And see all the mixing drinks. That's good. I love to have drinks from you. We have to put that in our show, mixing drinks. Yeah, make a holiday cocktail for us.

Ray Dalton: That's a good idea. Yeah.

Klaas: A lot of musicians in my interviews tell me about their favorite spots to write songs, but it's often like the toilet, on the toilet the best ideas are coming, or under the shower. Is that the same with you?

Ray Dalton: No, you... No. I mean, melodies can come whenever they hit, you know. I guess you could be on the toilet and you hear a melody in your head or whatever, but I'm always inspired when it's a rainy day. I come from a really wet city, Seattle is the emerald city and it rains a lot, and you know when it's raining I always know I'm gonna write a good song today because I feel cozy and it's a beautiful rainy day. Even if I'm in another country and it starts raining and I have a session, I'm like, ooh, today's gonna be good. It's a rainy day.